What is a social media audit?

If you’re a business owner, like me, the start of a new year presents the perfect opportunity to reassess your business priorities and plan for the year ahead.

Social media auditIt’s also a great time to reflect on your marketing, including your social media marketing. Perhaps you’ve been trying to manage your own social media marketing or perhaps you’ve outsourced the work and you’re struggling to get results? Are you investing lots of money and time but still not reaching a wide audience?

If you’re looking for some advice on how to transform your social media marketing, a social media audit can prove invaluable. If this conjures up images of a man in a suit with a clipboard, then don’t worry – it’s nothing like that! Essentially, a social media audit is a health check for your social media platforms.

An audit is an affordable way to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your social media marketing – and identify new opportunities to grow your presence and get in front of new customers. It’s a great way to ensure that you’re getting the best results out of social media marketing for your budget.

What’s involved in a social media audit?

A social media audit is tailored to you – the outcomes will depend on your sector, audiences and business. So, what’s involved?

I like to keep things simple and straightforward. So, we’ll kick off with a video or telephone call so that I can pull together as much information as possible about your business and goals. I’ll need to build a good understanding of your audiences (their interests, motivations and pain points) and the types of people you want to attract. I’ll also take a good look at what your competitors are up to on social media to see where you and your business fit into the market overall.

The next step is to take a detailed look at your social media platforms. Initially, I will be looking at:

  • how you present your business visually (your branding and photos)
  • your messaging – how you convey your services/products and your business values.

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On a more tactical level, I will look at whether your content is engaging and compelling. Is it suitably pitched to appeal to your target audience? Does it make the reader want to stop scrolling and read on? Are the visuals appealing and thought-provoking?

As part of the audit, I’ll also be looking at:

  • the types of content posted on your social media platforms (images, video, polls etc)
  • whether your content is tapping into the latest trends
  • posting timings and frequency
  • whether you’re using the right hashtags
  • your interaction with your audiences on social media.

I’ll make recommendations to help you optimise your social media marketing for all of the above and take you through proven tactics to increase your visibility.

Take your social media marketing to the next level

As part of the audit, we’ll go through best practice and look at examples from other companies working in your sector. By the end of the process, you’ll have a clear idea of the actions needed to take your social media marketing to the next level.

Of course, if you decide that you’d rather outsource this work, I can implement these recommendations on your behalf. I offer a range of social media packages, tailored to your needs and budget.

To book a social media audit, get in touch today.

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